hp client automation

HP Client AutomationManageability:

Total Cost of Ownership is more than purchase price

You wouldn’t leave your television on all day while you are at the office, and yet, across the country, millions of PCs at work are left on all night—wasting energy, costing businesses millions in utility costs, and contributing to global climate change.

Numerous research has shown that as many as 60 to 94% of the computers at work do not go to sleep and/or are not shut down at the end-of-the-day resulting in energy waste of up to $55.13 a year per PC.  Under this same scenario, a single company with 10,000 PCs will waste more than $165,000 a year in energy costs and other large businesses have determined that shutting PCs down every night will allow them to save 3 million a year in electricity costs alone.

No company likes to waste money. The financial impact of 24-hour computer power consumption can be substantial.  A typical PC is actively used 4 hours each work day and idle for another 5.5 hours. The energy saving potential from reducing PC power consumption is enormous, from turning off those that don't need to be on, and from power managing PCs when they are on, but idle.
For the remainder of this training, we will focus on the energy saving features that are built-in every HP business PC.  By taking a “whole system” approach and looking at the computer, its components, as well using power management software, we can reduce total system power consumption by as much as 52%, which translates into an average annual cost savings from $6 to $60 per PC.

IT Director - Client Automation